Tellurium Price Posed to Rise Further as Supply Tightens According to Merchant Research & Consulting, Ltd.

LONDON – Tellurium market faces a whole row of challenges nowadays. Being a by-product of smelted copper it is highly dependent on the trends on the basic market. Reduced copper production coupled with the application of new alternative technologies of copper extraction both exert the availability volumes of tellurium.

As the supply is tightening the price for the material is skyrocketing. According to a number of market forecasts the price is posed to rise through the coming 2-3 years. It is notable that there exists a spectrum of various replacement products for tellurium which is perceived as positive on the background of supply shortages. But as end-use marketers report none of the replacements is good enough. Moreover the potential demand rise for tellurium can come from the developments in the sector of thin film solar cell production technology.

Tellurium Market Review is an essential resource for the detailed information on the reviewed market. In addition to the descriptive part, the report provides a range of tables and figures which give a true insight into the relevant national, regional and global markets of tellurium.

Scope of the report:

  • The report represents a thorough study of tellurium, covering both global and regional markets;
  • It aims to give a proper picture of the pertinent market, as well as its trends, perspectives and opportunities;
  • It covers the present situation, historical background and future forecast of tellurium market;
  • Comprehensive data showing tellurium production, consumption, trade statistics and prices are provided (both nationwide and worldwide);
  • Essential news and press releases on the tellurium market under investigation are added;
  • The report offers a 5 year outlook on the reviewed market, including tellurium market volume predictions and price trends.

Report Details:

Tellurium Market Review
Published: February, 2011
Pages: 15

The study on tellurium has been completed by Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd, an internationally recognized market research agency, specializing in chemical industry. “Tellurium Market Review” is included into the catalogue “Metals”, which also highlights Aluminum, Cadmium, Iron and Steel, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Silver, Titanium, Vanadium, Zinc markets.

Monthly report updates for “Tellurium Market Review” are available at //



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