The combined pyrochlore and columbite-tantalite output was estimated at 250,400 tonnes in 2011 in Brazil. The amount remained unchanged from 2010. Nevertheless, it was almost 9,000 tonnes lower if compared to 2008 with the largest decrease registered in the pyrochlore production.
The demand for tantalum and niobium in the country is generally similar to local production trends. It was around 250,000 tonnes per year in 2010-2011.
Production and consumption trends of Tantalum and Niobium in Brazil, 2006-2011, metric tons
Brazil imports some tantalum and niobium each year despite an existing domestic supply-demand balance. The imports are not high. They slightly surpassed 145 tonnes in 2011, showing a rise by 40 tonnes year on year. All tantalum and niobium imports were of the US origin through the last two years.
Brazil-based companies also export the metals. Their export volumes totaled 1,170 tonnes in 2011, up by over two times from 2010.
Germany was the main export target for Brazil’s tantalum and niobium in 2011, while over 70 percent of the exports were forwarded to China a year earlier.
Trade balance of Tantalum and niobium in Brazil in 2006-2011, tons
Global tantalum reserves were evaluated at 120,000 tonnes in 2011. The largest deposits are situated in Australia and Brazil.
Meantime, world reserves of niobium were assessed at around 3 million tonnes in the same year. Most of them are located in Brazil.
The global mine output of tantalum content reached 820 tonnes in 2011, an increase by 90 tonnes year on year. Brazil, Rwanda and Mozambique were the key tantalum manufacturers in 2009-2011.
Niobium production capacities are much higher than tantalum ones. For instance, the global mine output of niobium content amounted to 63,000 tonnes in 2011. Brazil occupies takes the lead in the niobium production.
Tantalum and niobium capacities are expected to post annual growth. World tantalum content output is forecast to enhance to around 1,300 tonnes per year by 2017, while niobium production rates will possibly go up to 67,800 tonnes per year.
More information on the Tantalum and Niobium market can be found in the report Tantalum and Niobium (Columbium) Market Review
Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd.
Julia Hill, Sales Manager
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